Friday, June 27, 2014

Camp Bow WOW

"If you think dogs can't count, try putting three dog biscuits in your pocket and then give him only two of them."Phil Pastoret 
I like to start all my posts with a cool quote... I'm a little concern that I have not seen any from Air Bud, Beethoven, Clifford. I've seen tons from Snoop Dogg, but some of his words are bad according to my mommy and daddy.

 So my parents are insanely busy! So we began to explore Doggy Day Care options. They found a place called Camp Bow Wow . What a corny name for a doggy day care right?  I thought so too!  I had to go for an interview.  It was a very difficult interview.  At the end of it, they asked me if I had any questions... so I asked them two things:

1. How would a cute, adorable, attack dog like myself benefit from the services your camp provides?

2. I was talking to several of the direwolves from Game of Thrones and they informed me that they received their training here at Camp Bow Wow, can you explain what that training looks like... and if there are any Lannisters children I can practice on?

They were so impressed with my interview and my questions that I received an Honorary Diploma to begin my training.  Check it out below:

Disregard the kiddy font, this diploma means I'm well on my way to controlling Westeros

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